Sunday, October 18, 2009

Relaxing in Sunny Phoenix

We arrived in Phoenix this morning at about 0800 Eastern Time. This is one of few of our company terminals that isn't a 24 hour facility. When we get to one of these terminals, we aren't allowed to leave the trailer unattended so we backed into a dock door and stayed hooked to the trailer. I have no idea what time the personnel that runs the terminal got there but we got up at about 1200 Eastern time and they were already there. I turned in my paperwork and opened the doors to the trailer and unhooked.

There were some of our friends there, some good folks we met when we first went to work for this company, and we all drove out to a nearby truck stop for breakfast. We had a very good visit with our friends and then went next door and had our trucks washed. This is one of the few truck washes in that I have been able to get to hand wash our truck so that the vinyl doesn't peel or rip. Danny's Truck Was and Chrome Shop in Phoenix, AZ. They done a fantastic wash and then shammied the truck dry and applied tire dressing. The truck looks amazing. Danny's has no website so I can't provide a link. They are at exit I-10, exit 137, just south of the interstate.

We had a lot of lookers at the truck wash. One fella from California, a Central Trucking driver, the old Dick Simon Co., came over and we had a great conversation about what is happening in the country, where this government might be leading us as a nation and what we can and should do, in the midterm election cycle to try and slow the destruction of the Constitution. I gave him some information on the 912 project, and a pocket constitution, he signed the truck, I took a picture and off we both went, our separate ways. We also gave out several other constitutions and pamphlets and had some good conversation with others. Just when you think people are falling back to sleep, the Lord blesses you with some great patriots and folks with which to talk. Incidentally, if you are one of the folks that have signed the truck and allowed us to take your picture but don't see your picture here, please afford us a bit of time to get that posted. The computer that we normally use is down and in the shop right now and I don't have my camera software installed on this computer as of this posting.

I have acquired a list of 912 Candidates that will be running for office in 2010 and we will be contacting these folks to let them know when we might be in there area and see if we can get some video interviews, some pictures and some meetups with them to sign the truck. I hope they can fit some time in their schedules to meet with the 912 Truck and provide us with the opportunity to speak with and them and post here, our videos and pictures of those meetings.

We have no idea where we are headed to out of Phoenix at this point. My guess though, would be that we will be here until tomorrow evening and then get a dispatch out of here. Again though, no idea to where we might be headed. I will be sure to post here when we know to where we are headed. Check back often and contact us if you care to see, and sign the truck when we come through your area.

In closing, we hope that you can find it in your budget to help with a small purchase or a donation in support of our mission.
We have launched into a couple of apparel stores so that everyone can show their support of the 912 Truck. Click here to show your support, or go to www.printfection.com/912truck. For those of you that would rather have a hat or mug you we have another outlet at cafepress.com/912 Truck. You can also use any of the donate buttons on this page to make a contribution directly to our endeavor to Waking up America.
Thanks for your support.

In God I Trust
Have a Great Day and a Better Tomorrow

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In God I Trust
Have a Dreat Day and a Better Tomorrow